Are There Any Potential Risks From Ganglion Removal Essex?
Ganglion removal surgery Essex is generally a safe and successful procedure. There is a risk of the ganglion coming back after either aspiration or surgery, but the risk is much less with surgery. Surgery has a longer downtime than aspiration and it may be a few weeks before you can return to a manual job. Some people can experience stiffness, pain or weakness after ganglion removal Essex surgery, and this may take weeks to recover. As with any hand surgery, there is a small risk of infection, bleeding problems and nerve injury or irritation.
Ganglion Removal Essex
Mr Sierakowski performs ganglion removal Essex across a number of hospitals in Essex, including Springfield Hospital in Chelmsford and Wellesley Hospital in Southend. Get in touch for more information about ganglion removal as well as any other plastic surgery Essex procedures offered, from breast enlargement Essex to non-surgical procedures such as dermal fillers Essex.
Mucous Cyst Excision Essex
A mucous cyst is effectively a small ganglion which arises from the distal joint of a finger or thumb, often secondary to “wear and tear”. It presents as a small, pearly, swelling under the skin at the base of the fingernail and is sometimes associated with ridging of the fingernail. This is caused by the mucous cyst pressing on the area where the fingernail grows from.
Surgery is performed under local anaesthetic (numbing the finger) and involves cutting out the mucous cyst, often with a small piece of overlying skin. To close the gap in the skin, the skin on the back of the finger may need to be advanced by another incision, a procedure called a “local flap”.